2nd AUSOM International Research Conference

Conference Programme

An overarching goal of establishing varsities is to create and disseminate knowledge. An Academic conference is a key platform that helps a varsity to achieve this goal. Therefore, Air University School of Management (AUSOM) Islamabad is organizing an a two-days International Research Conference on 23rd and 24th October 2024.

The theme of the conference is “Revisiting Business Practices in Digitalization Era: Human Factors, Artificial Intelligence, and Sustainability”. The conference will feature keynote speeches from renowned national and international academicians, panel discussions, paper presentations and workshops. We also plan to organize a pre-conference workshop on the fundamentals of AI and sustainability to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the conference themes. We firmly believe that an International Conference on Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, and the Human Factor will contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge in this domain, promote collaboration among stakeholders, and facilitate the implementation of sustainable practices across various sectors.

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