Intelligent Media Center (IMC)

Human Body Parts Estimation and Detection for Physical Sports Movements
[2019 – 2019]
Supported by
Research was sponsored by the Cooperative Society of Innovation laboratory and was accomplished under Contract Agreement Number EW127MS-18-4-0052.
Project Description
The main purpose of human body part detection is to estimate the size, orientation or position of the human body parts within the digital scene information. Estimation of various body parts of the human from an image is a critical step for several model-based systems and body-parts tracking. In this paper, body parts detection for pose estimation is implemented. During foreground silhouettes detection, the proposed method have used segmentation techniques to obtained salient region areas and skin tone detection. After successful silhouettes extraction, body parts estimation is applied by using body parts model. Five basic body key points was determined and in addition seven more body sub key points was estimated with the help of five basic body key points. The estimated key points of the body are then represented using circular marks on the original image. The experimental results over two challenging video datasets such as KTH-multiview football and UCF sports action datasets showed significant accuracies of 90.01% and 86.67. The proposed method performs better than the state-of the-art methods in terms of body-parts detection accuracy.
Human Body Parts Estimation and Detection for Physical Sports Movements